By Kathy Colaiacovo
Images are a BIG part of online marketing.
They should be! They are faster to take in and digest than plain text, and people will get your message much faster.
Images in marketing are making it easier for readers to consume the content faster. Many businesses are seeing an uptick in reach, shares, likes and comments when they post images online as compared to text only content. Especially on Facebook.
Visuals and Images also can appeal to the human emotion and get the message across in a deeper way than had you posted it only with text, they also make it easier to engage the audience seeing your images.
These are some of the many reasons why businesses have moved to more images in their marketing content compared with text only.
At Pepper it Marketing, we have changed how we post a lot of our client's marketing content on social media and have moved to posting more images than text. You cannot argue with results!
We have been doing an experiment of late on social media content and hands down the content that is posted directly, not shared images of other people, is reaching more than 15 times the number of people and getting more than 140% more views than other posts are.
>> Reaching 15 times more people and 140% more views!
The numbers are staggering. This is something we have tried with a few clients and the results are the same. Images work. They are making the difference in increased reach and results.
Some stats I have read say that, "content with relevant images gets 94% more views than content without relevant images". This experiment has proven that for sure.
There are Three Elements I always make certain we include on the images we create for clients in order to make the time spent on them more valuable.
The 3 Elements to Add to Marketing Images are:
1 Your Own Content.
This is advice direct from you, your knowledge. The best content is your own, not someone else's. (You can do a mix of both but if you spend time on any images - make it your own content.)2 Name and Website.
You want to get recognized and credited for this good content and advice. Having your name and / or website URL on the image is a MUST. IF people are going to share the images, make sure your digital footprint and mark is on it.3 Brand Element.
Some people have a logo or colour to use as a standard piece of the images created. I highly recommend this with content marketing images. For my business as an example, the images almost always have Pepper (my dog and part of my biz logo) included in the images one way or another. Usually in fun places that add more to the visual and helps build my brand recognition.If you can do this, it is an added bonus.Images will truly change the results you get from your online marketing. Make certain the content you create has these three elements in the images.
Kathy Colaiacovo is a Social Media Marketing Consultant and helps clients to create an online marketing strategy in order to best use their time in the online world of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. This time can bring you more website traffic and sales. Kathy helps clients learn to Be Real, Be Social and Get Clients Online.
Kathy invites you to learn more about her How to use Canva Training program so you can discover more tips and tricks to creating images for your marketing.
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